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武汉斯达日用化工有限公司是一家以发展精细化工高新技术实业为主的现代化大型民营企业,是全国日化企业十强之一,也是武汉地区唯一一家规模化日化企业。 企业成立于2004年,注册资金1000万元。旗下拥有“荷嫂”“ladyhe"两大品牌。 荷嫂品牌经过多年培育,已成长为一颗立足华中辐射全国的日化新星,“洗不了,找荷嫂!”的广告语早已家喻户晓,并在2008年获得湖北省著名商标称号。 公司以市场为导向,以顾客为关注焦点,拥有完美的管理体制,先进的全自动流水线,成功通过了ISO9001质量保证体系认证。目前拥有洗衣液,家居清洁,洗洁精,洗手液等多个系列产品。产品凭借独特的功能,精准的市场定位以及优质的服务,深受消费者的关注与喜爱。 荷嫂系列产品在湖北省内主流卖场销售均名列前茅,市场网络辐射至乡镇,专业洗涤市场占有率达40%以上。荷嫂立志成为中国专业清洗剂第一品牌。目前已有7、8家银行给我司授信,深创投、九鼎投资、美国万通等多家投资公司也对我司青睐有加。目前,公司正积极准备第二轮扩张,目标直指全国市场,计划用三年时间将销售规模从现在的2个亿提升到10个亿,五年后突破30亿。 产品质量是企业发展的根本,斯达日化不断生产研发出顶级优质的产品,其产品质量比拟国际水准。原材料全部来自与壳牌、奇华顿、克莱恩、巴斯夫等世界500强企业,引进先进的5S生产管理模式,优化生产环节,年产量达到2万吨以上。Quality of the products is the key issue for the development of an enterprise.Wuhan Star Chemical Co Ltd has constantly worked out their products with top quality through its research, development and production. Its quality of the products is recognized similar to the international standards. The basic material of the company’s products are totally from the word-top-500-enterprises like “Shell”, “Givaudan”, “Clariant”, and “Basf”, etc. By drawing the advanced 5S mode ofmanagement for production, every step of the production has been duly optimized and the annual production output has been lifted to over 20,000 Metric Tonns. 在产品领域,斯达日化目前拥有衣物洗涤、个人护理、厨房清洁、家庭洗护四大系列138个单品,产品成功通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证,其中“荷嫂”品牌多次荣获湖北省著名商标、湖北省名牌、武汉市著名商标等荣誉。斯达日化不断开发与完善的众多高品质洗涤用品,成为了中国洗涤用品行业技术进步和产品结构调整的重要推动力量。In scope of product, Wuhan Star Chemical Co Ltd now has possesses 138 individual item out of such 4 series of products as laundry detergents, personal caring items, kitchen cleansers and family washing and caring products which have all successfully passed quality management system certification ISO9001. Among other things, the brand “Lady He”, for several times, won the honors of “Famous Brand in Hubei Province”, “Hubei Well-known Brand” and “Wuhan Celebrated Brand” etc. As Wuhan Star Chemical Co Ltd has continuously developed and perfected lots of quality washing and cleaning products, hence it has become an important driving force to technology progress and product structure adjustment in the profession of washing and cleaning industry in China. 在管理方式上,斯达日化不断规范与完善管理体系,多个部门分工协作,保障公司的快速运转与业务范围的不断壮大。In management style, Wuhan Star Chemical Co Ltd has successively normalizedand perfected the system of management, though with varied departments yetall with own assignments along with coordination and cooperation is realized,which has effectively ensured the fast running of company’s operation andconstant grcowth of the company’s business. 在品牌策略上,斯达日化先后推出两大品牌:针对于中低端群体的“荷嫂”品牌,以憨态可掬的胖大嫂作为品牌形象,拉近与消费者之间的距离;针对于中高端消费群体的“ladyHe”品牌,以一位时尚居家的年轻女性作为品牌形象,顺应了年轻群体追逐时尚、简单,精致生活的视觉要求。两大品牌齐头并进,满足了各年龄层需求。With regard to the policy on brand, the company has, early or late, pushed out two main brands: “Lady He”(in Chinese )— with a fat but lovely naivelady as the brand image that can easily shorten the distance with the customers form middle-and-low-end throngs while another brand “Lady He” (in English), with a young fashionable family lady as the brand image who is complied with the visual request by young throngs pursuing fashion, sample and exquisite life, is set for pleasing the consumers from middle-and-high-end throngs. With these2 brands simultaneuously used, the company’s products thus have satisfied the varied demands from the throngs at different ages.In pushing the brands, based on unceasing concreting strong sales terminals,the company has, from time to time, developed new ways for its product commercial propaganda.

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地址:湖北武汉市湖北省 武汉市 江夏区武汉经济技术开发区沌口街洪山村工业用地标准厂房2号楼
